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JM: Monthly Family Newsletter December 2024 景美家长月报 2024年12月

Jing Mei Elementary phoenix logo mark

JM: Phoenix Principal Monthly Message 12.31, 2024    景美家长月报 12.31, 2024


Dear Phoenix Families,

As 2024 comes to a close we want to thank you for your partnership. We want to thank you for your notes of encouragement, generosity towards our staff and our school, and trust in our instructional approach in dual language program.  We don't take our relationship with you for granted and at times like this we feel blessed to be a part of such caring community. 

We wish you a peaceful and relaxing winter break!

Warm wishes,

Ms. Hu & Ms. Tan






胡副校长 & 谭校长


Invitation to Join the Racial, Equity, and Inclusion Team (REI Team)


We are committed to amplifying family and students voices and gathering feedback to enhance our school community at Jing Mei. We invite parents and/or students to participate in our Racial, Equity, and Inclusion Team (REI Team). January Meeting Details:

  • Date: Monday, January 13, 2025
  • Time: 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
  • Location: Jing Mei Microsoft Room (or join virtually or via phone, links, details, and  call in option in below survey)

We will provide agenda items before the meeting to ensure everyone is well-prepared. Your participation is vital as we work together to make Jing Mei a better school for all. Parent/Guardians and students are welcome to join this meeting and we will send more invitation in the future. 

Please fill out this Survey to sign up! 





  • 日期: 2025年1月13日, 星期一
  • 时间: 下午 3:45- 4:15
  • 地点:景美二楼会议室或者通过网上在线,电话方式参加,链接和详细信息在以下报名表中)




December and January Drill

On Thursday 12/19, we conducted a lockdown drill and practiced what we would do if there was a threat on campus. Students learned about the importance of listening to school staff and following instructions quickly and quietly. We also practiced assessing our environment and making decisions to keep us safe.

For more information on talking to your student about school safety, you might want to visit the website


In January, we will practice the Fire Evacuation. We have practiced this drill once in the beginning of this year. This second drill is to reinforce the routine and deepen our learning about emergency preparedness. 


During an evacuation, students are taught to quickly and quietly exit the building. They meet on the field at an assigned location and stay silent while attendance is taken to ensure all people have safely evacuated. 

Please talk with your student about preparing for emergencies and disasters. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and express their feelings. Emphasize that even though sometimes things happen that we may not expect, there are lots of things we can do to help us stay safe. 

For more information on fire safety, you might want to visit the National Fire Protection Association "Kids" page at or their parent resource page at  










如需了解更多关于火灾安全的信息,您可以访问国家消防保护协会的"儿童"页面 或其家长资源页面。


PTSA Phoenix Challenge

During winter break, if you are looking for things you can work with your students, here are some options:

Phoenix Challenge凤凰挑战: This is a PTSA sponsored program that we want to encourage students to join. Students can choose from 6 catergories: 

  1. Jing Mei Big Three 三大目标
  2. Literacy 阅读
  3. Science 科学
  4. Service 服务
  5. Art 美术
  6. Student Choice 你的选择

PTSA 凤凰挑战



  • 景美三大目标
  • 阅读
  • 科学
  • 服务
  • 美术
  • 学生自选


Counselor's Corner

November newsletter: Counselor Newsletter #3.docx

December newsletter: Counselor Newsletter #4.docx

辅导员MS. Brenneman的信息

十一月简报: Counselor Newsletter #3.docx

十二月简报: Counselor Newsletter #4.docx

Update on Report Card K-5

Following last year's successful trial of online report card access for fifth grade, which received positive feedback, we are expanding this initiative. 

Starting this term, all test scores and progress reports will be available exclusively online, in alignment with district deadlines. This digital shift supports our environmental goals and reduces our paper usage and costs effectively.

If you encounter any issues accessing the report cards online or require a digital or hard copy, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher or our main office. We are here to assist you in ensuring you have timely access to all necessary student performance data.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we implement these important updates.

In order to support all families to be familiar with the online Synergy ParentVUE and StudentVUE, please consider to join one of our trainings below:

  • Report card sending via Synergy ParentVue/StudentVue

Parent Workshop 

Option 1: 1/31 9:00-9:30 am Join the meeting

Option 2: 2/1 3-3:30pm Join the meeting

  • Report card deadline updated by BSD due to emergency closure days; here is the updated deadline for elementary schools:
    • New mid-year report card post via synergy date/time: Feb 17, 2025 Progress reports are visible in ParentVUE and StudentVUE after 12:00 PM
    • New year end report card post via synergy date/time: 6/25 Progress reports are visible in ParentVUE and StudentVUE after 5:00 PM
  • No change on preschool report card procedures. Preschool report cards will be sent via email as before. 

成绩单更新 (幼儿园到五年级)


从本学期开始,所有考试成绩和成绩单都将根据学区截止日期在通过 Synergy ParentVue/StudentVue 发送成绩单。这种网上成绩单会帮助到我们的绿化环境目标,并有效地减少了我们的纸张使用量和印刷成本。



为了帮助所有家庭熟悉网上收取成绩单,请考虑参加 Synergy ParentVUE 和 StudentVUE,的培训:

选项 1:1 月 31 日上午 9:00-9:30 加入会议

选项 2:2 月 1 日下午 3 点至 3 点 30 分 加入会议


  • 年中成绩单:2025 年 2 月 17 日 中午 12:00 后,在 ParentVUE 和 StudentVUE 中可见
  • 学期末成绩单:6/25 下午 5:00 后,在 ParentVUE 和 StudentVUE 中可见



Sign up for Edulog Parent Portal to Receive Transportation Updates  

Beginning in January 2024, all BSD bus cancellations, delays and updates will be shared directly through the Edulog Parent Portal, the district's transportation information platform. Families who would like to receive notification about impacts to their bus routes must sign up for Edulog. Specific route cancellations, delays and updates will not be shared routinely through direct district emails, text messages, robo calls or social media in the new year. However, districtwide messages will continue to be sent at the discretion of the district, on an as-needed basis.  


The Edulog Parent Portal provides an efficient student transportation resource management tool allowing families to receive more timely messages that impact student safety, ridership and routing. For students or families unable to acquire access to the smartphone app, the district will contact families through text message using the Talking Points platform in their preferred home language to ensure all families have equal access to information. Additionally, a route cancellation link will be added to the BSD transportation webpage listing service impacts. 

注册 Edulog 家长门户以接收交通更新

从2024年1月起,所有贝尔维尤学区(BSD)的公交取消、延误和更新将通过 Edulog 家长门户直接分享,这是学区的交通信息平台。希望接收关于公交路线变动通知的家庭必须注册 Edulog。特定路线的取消、延误和更新将不再通过学区的直接电子邮件、短信、自动电话或社交媒体定期发布。不过,学区范围内的通告将根据学区的需要,继续通过上述渠道发送。


Edulog 家长门户提供了一个高效的学生交通资源管理工具,帮助家庭及时接收到影响学生安全、乘车和路线的信息。对于无法访问智能手机应用的学生或家庭,学区将通过 Talking Points 平台发送短信通知,并使用家庭首选语言,确保所有家庭都能平等获取信息。此外,学区还将在交通网页上增加一个路线取消链接,列出服务影响信息。


Social Emotional Learning(SEL) Guide 情感学习资源: 

SEL Resource for Winter Check out the Winter SEL Guide.  It comes from Aperture Education (DESSA Platform) and includes some great resources for teachers and families. Although it says 2021, these resources are still just as relevant and the videos links still work. 

情感学习资源 (SEL)

寒假情感学习教材:请查看《寒假情感学习指南》(Winter SEL Guide)。该指南来自Aperture Education(DESSA平台),包含了许多适用于教师和家庭的优秀资源。虽然该资源标注的是2021年,但这些内容依然非常相关,视频链接也仍然有效。

New Parent Partnership Program in Bellevue Digital Discovery

We are excited to announce that we will be adding a new Parent Partnership Program component to our Bellevue Digital Discovery elementary to support elementary age students and families who engage in homebased learning. This new program component will serve students through an Alternative Learning Experience model which includes a personalized learning plan developed in partnership with the student, teacher and family. Students will engage in learning at home, online and in-person at our new Bellevue Discovery learning lab. Together with members of the community, Kristin Tinder and Tom Duenwald are leading the co-creation of this new program component of Bellevue Digital Discovery.

We invite interested families to learn more at our upcoming Bellevue Discovery Open House, January 13 at 6:00 p.m. online, or to contact us directly at

Enrollment for the 25-26 school year for this Bellevue Discovery program begins Monday, December 9, and the link to enroll can be found on the Enroll at BSD webpage.

Thank you in advance for your support of this new program in BSD as we continue to diversify our learning options to meet student needs.


我们很高兴宣布,我们将在贝尔维尤数字发现小学项目中新增一个家长伙伴计划部分,旨在支持参与居家学习的学龄学生及其家庭。这个新计划将通过替代学习体验模型服务学生,该模型包括由学生、教师和家庭共同制定的个性化学习计划。学生将通过在家学习、在线学习以及在我们新的贝尔维尤发现学习实验室的面对面学习来参与其中。Kristin Tinder 和 Tom Duenwald 与社区成员一道,正在共同创建这一新的贝尔维尤数字发现项目的家长伙伴计划部分。

我们邀请感兴趣的家庭参加即将举行的贝尔维尤发现开放日活动,时间是1月13日晚上6:00,活动将在线举行。您也可以通过电子邮件 直接联系我们了解更多信息。




Postponed: Test of BSD's Emergency Communication System 

This test has been postponed, due to the emergency communications for the recent power outages and school closures. However, families are encouraged to check their phone and text message histories and email inboxes to determine if they received the districtwide closure message shared with families November 20-24, 2024.

If you did not receive the emergency messages to your primary email and phone number on file in ParentVUE and the "Contact Allowed" box is checked, please contact Your email or phone number may be blocking BSD messages, or other technical issues could be occurring (including challenges due to widespread network outages caused by the storm).

If you did receive the emergency messages but would like to update your contact information, please complete online student data verification to update your record. If you need support accessing data verification, please reach out to your school's office manager (elementary) or registrar (middle and high).

Receive additional tips for receiving district messages, including how to sign up for text message alerts.







Community Holiday Events
 Let's skate! November 15 - January 12, Downtown Bellevue Park plays host to the annual ice rink. Free parking is available at two downtown parking lots. Online tickets are available on the Bellevue Ice Rink website. Tickets include skate rental. Enjoy free evening skating lessons compliments of Microsoft.




 Social Engineering: What it is, why it's so dangerous, how do I spot it, and what do I do if I receive it?


In October, the Technology Services Department launched a new Cybersecurity Awareness Program. As part of their continuing education around digital safety, this month they are sharing news about social engineering. Bad actors can use social engineering techniques to trick users into doing harmful things.  

Got questions? Contact James Luke, Director of Cybersecurity, via Teamsemail, phone or chat! 





有问题吗?请通过Teams电子邮件、电话或聊天联系网络安全主管James Luke!