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JM: Monthly Family Newsletter January 2025 景美家长月报 2025年1月

Jing Mei Elementary phoenix logo mark

JM: Phoenix Principal Monthly Message 1.21, 2025   景美家长月报 1.21, 2025


Dear Parents/Guardians,


Welcome back to school from winter break! 

As the new year and lunar new year is here, we want to thank you for your continued partnership and your trust on us! We want to thank you for your notes of encouragement and generosity towards our staff and our school, and trust in our instructional approach for dual language at JM. 


Warm wishes,


Ms. Hu & Ms. Tan








Important Dates coming up: 重要的日期

  • 1/22 and 1/29 High School Tutorial is cancelled due to final exam week. 
  • 1/31 6:30-8:30 Our feeder middle school Tillicum Middle School has a lunar new year celebration. You are all invited to join this free event at Tillicum Middle School. 
  • Both 2/6 and 2/7's Lunar New Year performances are the same. We have to do two shows because of the space limitation. This year, we will reserve space for students to watch the performance in person too. 
    • 2/6 1:45-3:15pm Lunar New Year Student Performance for 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade 5th grade families
    • 2/7 1:45-3:15pm Lunar New Year Student Performance for Prek, Kindergarten, and 1st grade families.
  • 2/9 noon to 2pm: Lunar New Year Festival (organized by PTSA)
  • February 17 through 21: No school, Mid-Winter Break
  • April 7 through 11: No school, Spring Break 
  • May 26 (Monday): No school, Memorial Day observance
  • June 19 (Thursday): No school, Juneteenth observance, 
  • June 23 (Monday): Last day of school (last day of school is updated due to emergency school closures)
  • June 24 Summer Break begins


From <>  



  • 1/22 和1/29 高中生补习功课俱乐部暂停,由于高中生期中考试
  • 1/31 6:30-8:30 我们的双语项目直升的初中Tillicum  初中诚意邀请您参与新年活动。地点就在Tillicum 初中里面。
  • 2/6 和2/7的班级新年表演都是一样的节目,我们需要分开两场是因为我们的产地人数限制。
    • 2/6 1:45-3:15pm  二年级到五年级家长观看新年表演 
    • 2/7 1:45-3:15pm  学前班,幼儿园和一年级家长观看新年表演
  • 2/9 noon to 2pm 农历新年嘉年华活动(家长会组织)
  • 2 月 17 日至21日:学校放假,Mid Winter Break
  • 4 月 7 日至 11 日:学校放假、春假 
  • 5 月 26 日(星期一):学校放假、阵亡将士纪念日
  • 6 月 19 日(星期四):学校放假,六月节庆祝活动
  • 6 月 23 日(星期一):最后一天(由于紧急学校停课,最后一天上学期日更新了)
  • 6 月 24 日 暑假开始


日历 <



Chinese Assessment Update:


Multilingual Language Learner-MLL Assessment Update


Each year, students in multilingual learner (MLL) programs take the ACCESS for ELLs assessment to measure their English knowledge and skills. The test measures academic English language proficiency for students learning English in our school and throughout our state. It is an online assessment given to all students in grades 1 to 12 who are eligible for English language development (ELD) services. Students in Kindergarten will take the WIDA Kindergarten ACCESS test as their annual ELP assessment. Both of these assessments measures students' English language proficiency, both knowledge and skills, in four language domains (reading, listening, writing, and speaking). Teachers in our school use this information to help them make decisions about instruction for your child. Teachers also use these test scores to monitor the progress your child makes toward English proficiency. The annual testing window for Spring 2025 is from 1/27/2025 to 3/21/2025.


At our school, students will be testing with their grade levels:

Kindergarten: one-on-one tests between 1/27 and 3/21

First Grade: 2/10-2/14, 2/24-2/28

Second Grade: 1/27-1/31, 2/10-2/13

Third Grade: 1/27-2/7

Fourth Grade: 2/3-2/7

Fifth Grade: 1/27-2/7



When students take the test, they start with practice items that help familiarize them with the test platform. Your child does not need to study for this test. The test is an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they understand and can communicate in English. Please prepare for test day by making sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats breakfast before testing. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please email our MLL facilitator, Ms. Wei ( 




每年,参加多语言学习者(MLL)项目的学生都会参加ACCESS for ELLs评估,以衡量他们的英语知识和技能。此测试评估学生的学术英语语言能力,适用于我们学校及全州正在学习英语的学生。它是一个在线评估,面向所有符合英语语言发展(ELD)服务资格的1至12年级学生。幼儿园学生将参加WIDA幼儿园ACCESS测试,作为他们年度英语语言能力(ELP)评估。这两项评估都衡量学生在四个语言领域(阅读、听力、写作和口语)中的英语语言能力,包括知识和技能。我们学校的教师使用这些信息帮助他们为您的孩子制定教学决策,并通过这些测试成绩监控您的孩子在英语能力方面的进展。2025年春季的年度测试时间窗口为2025年1月27日至3月21日。














Dear Parents/Guardian,


Share Your Input: Help Shape Next Year's BSD Budget

Our district is facing a challenging financial situation, with a budget deficit that will take several years to address. 

To put us on a path to restore our financial stability, we need to reduce spending by $16 million for the 2025-2026 school year. 

We are inviting you to be part of this important conversation as we work together to align our budget with the funding allocated by the state. 

Your voice is critical in helping us identify priorities and make informed decisions about the trade-offs required. 

Share Your Feedback Please take a few moments to complete our Budget Planning Survey to share your ideas and input. The survey closes on January 24, so don't miss this opportunity to have your voice heard. 

Join Our Listening Sessions We are also hosting three community listening sessions in January. 

Join us at any of these events to learn more, ask questions, and provide feedback:

· Tuesday, January 21, 2025 4:00-5:30 p.m. - In person at Odle Middle School 502 143rd Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98007

· Tuesday, January 21, 2025 4:00-5:00 p.m. - Online via Microsoft Teams Join the meeting.

· Wednesday, January 22, 2025 5:00-6:30 p.m. - In person at Wilburton Instructional Service Center (WISC), Building 1, Rainier Room 12241 Main Street, Bellevue, WA 98005


What's Next? Superintendent Dr. Aramaki and his leadership team will use your input to develop a spending reduction proposal, which will be shared in February. 


You will have another opportunity to review and comment on the proposal before it goes to the school board for approval in March. 


Learn more about our financial reality and the budget timeline. You can also listen to the School Finance and BSD's Budget episode on the Voices of Bellevue Podcast.

Thank you for your continued partnership and engagement in this process. Your input is invaluable as we navigate this challenging but necessary journey together.













分享您的反馈 请花几分钟时间完成我们的预算规划调查,分享您的想法和建议。调查将在1月24日截止,请不要错过这个表达您意见的机会。

参加我们的听证会 我们还将在1月举办三场社区听证会。欢迎您参加任何一场活动,了解更多信息,提问并提供反馈: · 2025年1月21日(星期二)下午4:00-5:30 - 现场在Odle中学,地址:502 143rd Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98007 · 2025年1月21日(星期二)下午4:00-5:00 - 在线通过Microsoft Teams参加会议 · 2025年1月22日(星期三)下午5:00-6:30 - 现场在Wilburton教育服务中心(WISC),1号楼,Rainier Room,地址:12241 Main Street, Bellevue, WA 98005

接下来会发生什么? 阿拉马基博士(Dr. Aramaki)和他的领导团队将根据您的意见制定削减开支的提案,该提案将在2月分享。您将在提案提交学区董事会批准之前,另外一次有机会审阅和评论该提案。



Drill Information:  

On Friday, 1/24/25, from 2:40-3:00, we will conduct fire evacuation drill. 

During an evacuation, students are taught to quickly and quietly exit the building. They meet on the field at an assigned location and stay silent while attendance is taken to ensure all people have safely evacuated. 


Please talk with your student about preparing for emergencies and disasters. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and express their feelings. Emphasize that even though sometimes things happen that we may not expect, there are lots of things we can do to help us stay safe. 


For more information on fire safety, you might want to visit the National Fire Protection Association "Kids" page at or their parent resource page at


For February drill, we will have lockout drill


A lockout is different from a lockdown. A lockout is used when there is no direct danger to the school, but there may be something potentially dangerous in the area around the school. For example, if a bear was spotted in the neighborhood or if there was police activity near the school.


During a lockout, students are brought inside and all exterior doors are locked. Inside, classes continue, but staff maintain a heightened level of awareness in case there is a change in the situation.


Please talk with your student about preparing for emergencies and disasters. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and express their feelings. Emphasize that even though sometimes things happen that we may not expect, there are lots of things we can do to help us stay safe.


For more information on talking to your child about school safety, you might want to visit the website


Please let Ms. Hu know if you have any questions. 


演习信息: 在2025年1月24日星期五的下午2:40至3:00,我们将进行火灾疏散演习。 在疏散过程中,学生将学习迅速且安静地撤离建筑物。他们会在指定位置的操场集合,保持安静,等待点名以确保所有人都已安全撤离。












 Chinese Literacy Assessment at Jing Mei (School Communication for K-5th Grade)


For middle of the year Chinese assessment across K-5, we will use Chinese TRC (Text Reading Comprehension) assessment.  For the Level Learning assessment that we tried this year, we decided not to move forward with the adoption process because we hope to have one tool that can work for all K-5th grades. In the report card that you will receive starting Feb 17, you can see the composite reading level score in 1, 2, 3, 4. 1 is way below grade level, 2 is approaching grade level, 3 is on level and 4 is above grade level. 



Chinese TRC Assessment

Optional/Supplemental: Mandarin Matrix Semester Assessment

Skills Assessed

  • Reading Fluency
  • Comprehension
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Speaking
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Writing Conventions


We understand there is no perfect assessment tool, and this will also be two data points we use to measure students' learning.  we will We will gather feedback from teachers, students and staff members this year again and make adjustments accordingly if needed.


 中期中文评估(K-5年级)我们将使用中文TRC(文本阅读理解)评估工具。对于我们今年尝试的Level Learning评估工具,我们决定不继续推进采用过程,因为我们希望能够拥有一个适用于所有K-5年级的工具。从2月17日开始,您将收到的报告单中会看到复合阅读水平分数,分为1、2、3、4四个等级。1表示远低于年级水平,2表示接近年级水平,3表示符合年级水平,4表示高于年级水平。




可选/补充:Mandarin Matrix学期评估 


  • 阅读流畅性 
  •  阅读理解 
  • 听力理解 
  • 口语
  •  写作规范
  •  阅读理解 



Update on Report Card for K to 5th Grade

Following last year's successful trial of online report card access for fifth grade, which received positive feedback, we are expanding this initiative. 


Starting this term, all test scores and progress reports will be available exclusively online, in alignment with district deadlines. This digital shift supports our environmental goals and reduces our paper usage and costs effectively.


If you encounter any issues accessing the report cards online or require a digital or hard copy, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher or our main office. We are here to assist you in ensuring you have timely access to all necessary student performance data.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we implement these important updates.


In order to support all families to be familiar with the online Synergy ParentVUE and StudentVUE, please consider to join one of our trainings below:

  • Report card sending via Synergy ParentVue/StudentVue

Parent Workshop 

Option 1: 1/31 9:00-9:30 am Join the meeting

Option 2: 2/1 3-3:30pm Join the meeting


  • Report card deadline updated by BSD due to emergency closure days; here is the updated deadline for elementary schools:
    • New mid-year report card post via synergy date/time: Feb 17, 2025 Progress reports are visible in ParentVUE and StudentVUE after 12:00 PM
    • New year end report card post via synergy date/time: 6/25 Progress reports are visible in ParentVUE and StudentVUE after 5:00 PM


PS: Preschool report card will continually be sent by email like last year. 

成绩单更新 (幼儿园到五年级)


从本学期开始,所有考试成绩和成绩单都将根据学区截止日期在通过 Synergy ParentVue/StudentVue 发送成绩单。这种网上成绩单会帮助到我们的绿化环境目标,并有效地减少了我们的纸张使用量和印刷成本。



为了帮助所有家庭熟悉网上收取成绩单,请考虑参加 Synergy ParentVUE 和 StudentVUE,的培训:

选项 1:1 月 31 日上午 9:00-9:30 加入会议

选项 2:2 月 1 日下午 3 点至 3 点 30 分 加入会议


  • 年中成绩单:2025 年 2 月 17 日 中午 12:00 后,在 ParentVUE 和 StudentVUE 中可见
  • 学期末成绩单:6/25 下午 5:00 后,在 ParentVUE 和 StudentVUE 中可见
  • 学前班的成绩单会跟去年一样从老师邮件发送。

Volunteers Needed! 


If you can be a volunteer to support Jing Mei's Morning drop off traffic control, please contact Ms. Hu.

Ms. Hu's email:




Ms. Hu的邮件:

January Counselor Corner (School Communication for JM PreK-5th Grade)

January Newsletter.docx



January Newsletter.docx

Principal Tea (School communication to Prek-5th Gr.)


We are collecting ideas for our principal tea time to do workshops that supports your need. Please fill out this survey and let us know what you want to talk about or learn about during our monthly connect time. 请您填以下的问卷,这样更好地让我们安排今年的校长家长见面会。


Microsoft Forms


In the past years, we had provided workshops such as, school safety, social emotional learning (How to support students with emotion regulation, anxiety, how to use technology to support students better at home, etc. ) Please share any suggestions or topic of your interest in the survey. 





Microsoft Forms





BSD Device Monitoring App(2nd Grade to 12th Grade)

The district offers apParent Online, a parent app, to help families monitor their student’s district-issued laptop during non-school hours. Note that this application is not enabled for district-issued iPads

 apParent Online Features include:

  • Viewing screen images
  • Locking/unlocking the device remotely
  • Accessing the past 24 hours of browsing history
  • Scheduling screen locks with auto-release
  1. Install  apParent Online for Android or  apParent Online for iOS (iPhone/iPad)
  2. Login to the parent app with the login info from the opt-in email to begin managing and monitoring your student's laptop


使用 apParent Online 追踪您孩子的在线行为

学区提供家长应用程序 apParent Online,帮助家长在非上课时间查看孩子使用学区配发笔记本电脑的情况。此应用程序不适用于学区配发的 iPad。此应用程式主要功能包括:

  • 查看屏幕画面
  • 远程锁定或解锁设备
  • 查看过去24小时的浏览记录
  • 设置屏幕锁定和自动解锁时间


  1. 安装 apParent Online for Android 或 apParent Online for iOS (iPhone/iPad)
  2. 使用选择加入邮件中的登录信息登录家长应用程序,开始管理和孩子追踪的笔记本电脑



Community News:

Cub Scout Pack629 & 673 invite you to participate in a  Recycling Service Project!


Did you know that plastic bread tags are recyclable? However, because they are so small, they often end up as waste if placed in a regular recycling bin. Cub Scout Pack 629 & 673 invite the Jing Mei Elementary community to help by collecting bread tags for recycling! Collection jars will be available soon—so start saving your bread tags and help us make a difference. Every small action counts! Thank you for your support!


PTSA event:











Free Money Management Workshops at the Bellevue Family Hub

Community partners Bellevue LifeSpring and Hopelink will hold upcoming family workshops on the topic of money management basics. The sessions will provide tips and tools to help families manage their budget, understand banking essentials, and improve financial credit. Childcare and snacks provided and virtual sessions available. Learn more at Bellevue Family Hub locations at Stevenson Elementary School or Highland Middle School or visit the Bellevue LIfeSpring website for additional event details.


Session in Spanish

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.


Session in English

Thursday, January 30, 2025

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.


The location for both sessions is Stevenson Elementary School (14220 NE 8th Street, Bellevue, WA 98007).



西班牙语场次 2025年1月29日,星期三 下午5:30 - 7:30

英语场次 2025年1月30日,星期四 下午5:30 - 7:30

两个场次的地点均为Stevenson小学(14220 NE 8th Street, Bellevue, WA 98007)

  • Full day absences from school
  • Going to school but leaving early
  • Going to school, but only after crying, hiding, having an outburst, or refusing to move
  • Faking illness to miss a day of school or having physical symptoms related to anxiety (e.g., headache, nausea, etc.) 
  • Showing unusual distress about going to school and begging you not to make them go
  • Contact your child's school team
    • Reach out to your student's school team to discuss your concerns and hear about supports such as school-based counseling, parent support group offerings, and 504 accommodation plans. 
    • Supporting a child in working through their school avoidance can be overwhelming, painful and feel hopeless at times. 
    • Please know you do not have to solve this heavy task alone. Your child's school team is available and eager to partner with you. We welcome and encourage you to reach out to us with your concerns.
  • Make an appointment with your child's pediatrician
    • Consider making an appointment with your child's pediatrician or family doctor to rule out any medical complications that could be interfering with your child's ability to attend school regularly. Common barriers to attendance include problems with sleep and untreated anxiety or depression. Thankfully, there are evidence-based treatments that can help such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and medication.





· 整天缺课 

· 上学但提前离开 

· 上学,但只有在哭泣、躲藏、发脾气或拒绝走动后才愿意去 

· 假装生病以逃课,或表现出与焦虑相关的身体症状(如头痛、恶心等) 

· 对上学表现出异常的痛苦,并恳求您不要强迫他们去



· 联系孩子的学校团队 

o 联系孩子的学校团队,讨论您的担忧,并了解学校提供的支持措施,如学校辅导、家长支持小组和504计划等。 

o 支持孩子克服逃学行为可能会让人感到压倒性、痛苦,并且有时觉得无望。 

o 请您知道,您不必独自解决这个重任。孩子的学校团队愿意并渴望与您合作。我们欢迎并鼓励您与我们分享您的担忧。


· 与孩子的儿科医生预约 考虑预约孩子的儿科医生或家庭医生,以排除可能影响孩子正常上学的健康问题。常见的缺课障碍包括睡眠问题和未治疗的焦虑或抑郁。幸运的是,有许多有证据支持的治疗方法可以帮助解决这些问题,比如认知行为疗法(CBT)和药物治疗。

Real Madrid Foundation Soccer Summer Camp for BSD Students

This soccer summer camp is open to students between the ages of 6 and 17, of all playing levels from beginner to advanced. The camp will be hosted at Highland Middle School July 14-18, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (with an option to extend the time from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). Click here to register.   






Sign up for Edulog Parent Portal to Receive Transportation Updates (District Communication for K-5th Gr.)

Beginning in January 2024, all BSD bus cancellations, delays and updates will be shared directly through the Edulog Parent Portal, the district's transportation information platform. Families who would like to receive notification about impacts to their bus routes must sign up for Edulog. Specific route cancellations, delays and updates will not be shared routinely through direct district emails, text messages, robo calls or social media in the new year. However, districtwide messages will continue to be sent at the discretion of the district, on an as-needed basis.  


The Edulog Parent Portal provides an efficient student transportation resource management tool allowing families to receive more timely messages that impact student safety, ridership and routing. For students or families unable to acquire access to the smartphone app, the district will contact families through text message using the Talking Points platform in their preferred home language to ensure all families have equal access to information. Additionally, a route cancellation link will be added to the BSD transportation webpage listing service impacts. 


注册 Edulog 家长门户网站以接收交通更新(K-5 年级的学区通讯)

从 2024 年 1 月开始,所有有关校车取消、延误和更新都将直接通过该学区的交通信息平台 Edulog Parent Portal 发送。 希望收到有关校车路线受到影响的通知的家庭必须注册 Edulog。 新的一年里,具体路线的取消、延误和更新将不会通过直接的学区电子邮件、短信、自动呼叫或社交媒体进行例行分享。 然而,学区范围内的消息将根据需要继续由学区酌情发送。


Edulog 家长门户提供了高效的学生交通资源管理工具,使家庭能够更及时地收到影响学生安全、乘客量和路线的消息。 对于无法访问智能手机应用程序的学生或家庭,学区将使用 Talking Points 平台以其首选的母语通过短信联系家庭,以确保所有家庭都能平等地获取信息。 此外,BSD 交通网页上将添加路线取消链接,列出收影响的路线。