JM: Phoenix Principal Weekly Message 9.7, 2024 景美:凤凰校长每周留言 9.7, 2024
Dear Phoenix Families,
Thank you for your support to make our first to fifth graders' first week and kindergarten's first day a very successful beginning! In total, we welcomed 500+ students to Jing Mei this week and on Monday, we will also welcome our 76 youngest phoenixes from preschool! How exciting!
I feel very honored and grateful to be part of this community! Thank you for your partnership! Please see some important updates and reminders below for this week.
Principal Tan
1.Fire Drill:
Washington state law and Bellevue School District policy require all schools to hold an evacuation drill in the first 10 days of the school year. For our first drill we will be conducting a fire evacuation drill and practicing exiting the building and accounting for everyone. We will practice the fire drill on 9/12 at 10 am.
Before fire drill, our staff will go over the basics about fire drill with class. During an evacuation, students are taught to quickly and quietly exit the building. They meet on the field at an assigned location and stay silent while attendance is taken to ensure all people have safely evacuated.
Please talk with your student about preparing for emergencies and disasters. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and express their feelings. Emphasize that even though sometimes things happen that we may not expect, there are lots of things we can do to help us stay safe.
For more information on fire safety, you might want to visit the National Fire Protection Association "Kids" page at or their parent resource page at
2.School Bus:
Thank you for your patience as our bus might have delayed schedule for the first few weeks/days of school year due to traffic or route adjustment/changes.
A reminder for our kindergarten parents/guardians: if your student is taking the bus home, they must be met by an adult or an older sibling at the bus stop during the first week of school.
If your child is not met, they will be transported back to their school. And if no one is available at the school, your child will be transported back to Transportation Department located at 12025 NE 5th Street. Learn more about our bus routes here:"
如果您的孩子没有大人或者哥哥姐姐在校车站等候的话,学生将被送回学校等家长来接。如果学校已经没有人了,您的孩子将被送回教育局交通部,他们的地址是 12025 NE 5th Street。点击以下链接了解有关我们校车路线的更多信息:
3.Arrival and Dismissal:
Thank you for staying in the drive through lane for arrival and dismissal and not park at our red fire lane. Having your child's name and grade level with teacher's name displayed on a paper on your wind shield is very helpful to get the drive through lane go faster. The sign will help us to get your student ready before you arrive at the main entrance.
4.District Official Notice:
The 2024-2025 Official Notices are now available on the district website, in English, Spanish and Simplified Chinese: